IP territorial extension

IP's Territorial extension into the Metaverse

Web2 and web3 domain names are simple identifiable strings with suffixes, such as apple.com, vitalik.eth, and summer.meta. Domain name is IP and brand in the Internet and Metaverse of IP’s territorial extension.

Web3 domain name is the mapping and link to the elements of the Metaverse, which is the infrastructure of the Metaverse.

In the web3 world, there are no ready-made standards and norms for the allocation of Token names and domain name suffixes, so name disputes occur from time to time, and infringement of intellectual property rights of web2 often occurs. BCANN works on the specification, assignment, and harmonization of web3 names.

BCANN follows the rules for assigning names to international organizations as well as WIPO rules, following ICANN's rules for assigning names to web2. Give priority to extending the intellectual property rights of web2 to web3.

BCANN shall conduct pre-examination and substantive examination for the name of web3 project, make preliminary certification, and register it in BCANN database and smart contract, so as to protect the intellectual property interests of the right holders of web3 project in the Metaverse.